I recently retired after 46 years of pastoral ministry. Though the time was right, I had no idea the degree to which this decision was going to put me, "out of sync." This is a term I've encounter often through my computer use: I need to "sync" my Contacts with my message App. I need to "sync" my printer with my computer. I need to "sync" my photos with the "cloud.' The term is referring to a process whereby everything will work together in a coordinated way. Upon retirement, however, I soon realized that my life was no longer "in sync." This was largely due to the discovery that I had lost a sense of "rhythm" in my life.
I had never realized how important "rhythm's" are to one's life. For 46 years I had developed sort of a "life rhythm." There was a daily rhythm: I tried to begin and end each day with a time of Bible reading and prayer. At some point, each evening, I would spend some time praying with Kristi; after that I would spend some time reading. At some point, each day, I would try to visit with Beth and John. Upon retirement I have mostly been able to retain my sense of daily rhythm; but there was also a weekly rhythm and that is where things began to fall apart: On Monday I would select hymns, prayers, scriptures, and a Call to Worship, for the worship bulletin. On Tuesday I would deal with church and Conference business matters. On Wednesday I would outline my sermon and do some visits with church members. On Thursday I attended Ministerial Alliance, Kiwanis, or Methodist Men's group. On Thursday I would also try to "follow up" on visitors to the church. Friday was sort of a day off. On Saturday I did the final work on my sermon. Sure, there were weeks when funerals, weddings and other events changed the schedule. But for 46 years this had pretty much become my weekly rhythm. But there were annual rhythms as well: September involved Charge Conference preparation, October was the annual Stewardship Drive, November brought Thanksgiving and launched us into preparations for December and Advent. Throughout the years there was sort of a "cycle" to my life, and I realize now that it was this "cycle" or "rhythm" that kept my life in "sync."! But life is different now and I realize that though I hated the "stress" of Advent, I am going to miss the special services of worship I led and the Advent sermons I'm accustomed to preparing to share with our church family. So, I find myself at a stage of life where I am striving to find a new rhythm. I think the new rhythm will partly have to do with the continued development of my counseling practice. I'm hoping my new rhythm will be a result of my spending time with God and discerning His plan for me in this new season of life. I am also hoping that perhaps my new rhythm will begin to emerge as I journey through this season of Advent. In short - I'm praying that Advent will be a time for me to "re-sync!"...
I recently got my 2002 Honda Odyssey back from the mechanic, there was a problem with the fan in the heating/air system and a part needed to be replaced. I was worried when I first took it in; the car has 328,000 miles on it and I feared the problem might not be repairable. But it was. I got the car back and it works fine. My hope is soon to buy a new car and give this one to my son (or someone else who needs it). The resale value is very low and I can give it to someone who can still use it for local travel. Many have told me that I am foolish for keeping my cars for so long, but for over 40 years this is a strategy that has worked for me. I see no reason to change my approach now...
I spent three days working to put up the Christmas lights so our family could share in our annual "turning on the of the lights" on Thanksgiving evening. I had tested all the lights before placing them in their appropriate places and I thought everything was "good to go." But on Thanksgiving morning I decided to do a final test and one whole section of lights failed to shine. I was frustrated and ready to throw away several strings of lights and purchase new ones. But then my son and family arrived and my son had a different perspective on the problem...
AuthorDr. Allen Schneider is a United Methodist pastor and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist presently serving the Sapulpa and greater Tulsa communities. Archives
March 2024